Price Sheet
Price Sheet 2024
ESP/VSD Consultant $1850/Day (Single Day Visit)
ESP/VSD Consultant $1650/Day (more than one day less than 5 days)
ESP/VSD Consultant $1500/Day (more than 5 days a month)
HPS Service/Consultant $1500/Day (w/o laser alignment)
HPS Service/Consultant $1800/Day (with laser alignment)
Will pass any consumables along at cost.
En Route Plan
The En Route Plan is a way to maximize our personal efficiency and as such we will pass along the savings to you. If you use us for PM plans and would like to use this service we will make routs that maximize time usage and will catch any service either slightly earlier or a little later (no more than 5 run days) we will divide up the cost between all customers that day meaning possibly major savings per customer. This will also mean that run reports will have to be given to the email when the PM is due within 20 days and we will confirm with you before sending service providers out.